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发布时间:2018-06-27 11:00 作者: 访问次数:0


  刘志明  教授、博士生导师


  电 话/传 真:+86 0731- 85623360






  美国东新墨西哥大学终身教授,博士生导师SIGMA XI国际科学研究会美国东新墨西哥大学分会主席,湖南省“百人计划”,湖南长沙市局引智工作专家咨询委员会科研项目评审委员会主任;中南林业科技大学“树人学者”特聘教授。




  1 2015-2018年,国家林业局948项目,木槿新品种及繁育技术引进(2015-4-17),50万元。

  2 2015-2017年,教育部重点实验室开放课题,油桐转基因技术体系建立(2014B-13),50 万元。

  3 2015-2016年,长沙市外国专家局项目,美国甜樱桃新品种引进及繁殖, 4万元。

  4 2014-2015年,经济林培育与利用湖南协同创新中心开放课题,油茶油脂代谢途径关键酶基因克隆与功能解析(2013A-01),50 万元。

  5 2013-2015年,湖南省“百人计划” 中南林业科技大学特聘教授科研启动基金,珍稀濒危植物珙桐种子败育分子机制的研究,60万元。


  近年来在PNAS, Scientific Reports, HortScience, BMC Plant Biology, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology等国际权威学术期刊上发表SCI收录论文50余篇,美国谷歌学术(Google Scholar)统计显示过去5年论文他引近1000次。


  1. Li, Z., Long, H., Zhang, L., Liu, Z., Cao, H., Shi, M., and X. Tan.  2017.  The complete genome sequence of tung tree (Vernicia fordii): Organization and phylogenetic relationships with other angiosperms.  Scientific Reports 7(1):1869. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-02076-6. 

  2.Li, Z., Tan, X.F., Lu, K., Liu, Z., and Wu, L.L.  2017.  The effects of CaCl2 on calcium content, photosynthesis, and chlorophyll fluorescence of tung tree seedlings under drought conditions. Photosynthetica 55(3):558-560.

  3.Li, M., Dong, X.J., Peng, J.Q., Xu, W., Ren, R., Liu, J., CaoF.X.  and Liu, Z.  2016.  De novo transcriptome sequencing and gene expression analysis reveal potential mechanisms of seed abortion in dove tree (Davidia involucrate Bail.).  BMC Plant Biology, 16:82. DOI 10.1 186/s12870-016-0772-x.

  4.Li, Z., Tan, X.F., Liu, Z. Lin, Q., Zhang, L., Yuan, J., Zeng, Y.L., and L.L. Wu.  2016.  In vitro propagation of Camellia oleifera Abel. Using hypocotyl, cotyledonary node, and radicle explants.

  5.HortScience, 514:416-421.

  6.Peng, J.Q., Cao, F.X., Liu, Z., Cao, J.W., Wu, L.C., Li, M., and X.J. Dong.  2015.  A correlation analysis of rocky desertification grades, plant diversity and soil factors in central Hunan of China.  Acta Scientia et Intellectus, 1(2):45-57.

  7.Sun, X., Xu, N.J., Jiang, L.Z., Hu, W., Fan, M.H., and Liu, Z.  2014.  Gene expression profiles of the heterotrophic microalga Chlorella pyrenoidosa F-9.  Genetics and Molecular Research, 13(4):8411-8420.

  8.Elder, D., Liu, Z., Wells, R.A., and M.F. Shaughnessy.  2013.  Current educational concerns in 2013 and beyond.  International Journal of Academic Research, Part B, 5(3)7-10.

  9.Sun, X., He, Y.L., Xu, N.J., Xia, Y.M., and Z. Liu.  2012.  Isolation and identification of two strains of pathogenic bacteria and their effects on the volatile metabolites of Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta).  Journal of Applied Phycology, 24:277-284.

  10.Liu, Z., Su, X.R., Li, T.W., Pan, D.D., Sena, J., and J. Dhillon.  2010.  Molecular cloning and expression of prostaglandin F2a receptor isoforms during ovulation in the ovarian follicles of Xenopus laevis.  Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators, 93: 93-99.

  11.Dhillon, J.K., Su, X.R., and Z. Liu.  2010.  Effects of RU 486 on cyclooxygenase-2 gene expression, prostaglandin F2a synthesis and ovulation in Xenopus laevis.  General and Comparative Endocrinology, 165:78-82.

  12.Sena, J. and Liu, Z.  2008.  Expression of cyclooxygenase genes and production of prostaglandins during ovulation in the ovarian follicles of Xenopus laevis.  General and Comparative Endocrinology, 157:165-173.

  13.Su, X.R., Lu, Z.M., Li, T.W., Liu, Z. and P.K., Chien.  2007.

  14.Analysis of isozymes related to energy metabolism of adult Tegillarca granosa.  Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, 4(2):163-166.

  15.Kumakura, N., Sena, J., Wright, S., Gott, M., Patino, R. and Z. Liu.  2006.  Molecular cloning and roles of cyclooxygenases in amphibian ovulation.  New Mexico Journal of Science, 44:227–247.

  16.Liu, Z., Pandey, N.R. and M. Plasterer.  2003.  Isolation and purification of a membrane-associated progesterone receptor in amphibian oocytes.  New Mexico Journal of Science, 43(1):51-67.

  17.Liu, Z.  2002.  Phylogenetic relationships of the living chimaeroid fishes based on characters of brain and cranial nerves.  New Mexico Journal of Science, 41(1):1-24.

  18.Murphy, B.D., Lalli, E., Walsh, L.P., Soh, J., Liu, Z., Stocco, D.M. and P. Sassone-Corsi.  2001.  Heat shock interferes with steroidogenesis by reducing transcription of the StAR gene.  Molecular Endocrinology, 15(8):1255-1263.

  19.Haidan, A., Bornstein, S.R., Liu, Z., Walsh, L.P., Stocco, D.M., and M. Ehrhart-Bornstein.  2000.  Expression of adrenocortical steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) protein is influenced by chromaffin cells.  Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 165:25-32.

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