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发布时间:2023-02-20 09:00 作者: 访问次数:0

团队获批纵向科研项目5项,包括国家重点研发计划项目子课题、国家自然科学基金、湖南省自然科学基金湖南省企业科技特派员计划项目、国家环境保护重金属污染监测重点实验室开放基金项目。团队在Science of The Total Environment(中科院SCI一区,Top期刊,影响因子10.754)、Environmental Pollution(中科院SCI二区,Top期刊,影响因子9.988)、Chemosphere(中科院SCI二区,Top期刊,影响因子8.943)、Journal of Environmental Sciences(中科院SCI二区,影响因子6.796)、环境科学(EI)等期刊发表研究论文13,其中SCI论文10篇;申请和授权国家发明专利2项。



1. 国家重点研发计划子课题,结构调整下替代作物种植风险管控与自然修复技术(2022YFD1700104-1),2022/08-2026/12

2. 国家自然科学基金,刺槐间作龙葵/蜈蚣草对镉砷污染土壤的固氮及协同修复机制(42207008),2023/01-2025/12

3. 湖南省自然科学基金,木本植物与超富集植物间作对重金属污染土壤的协同修复机制(2022JJ40872),2023/01-2025/12

4. 湖南省企业科技特派员计划项目,冶炼场地重金属污染土壤生物炭基镉砷稳定剂研发与应用(2021GK5003),2022/04-2024/04

5. 国家环境保护重金属污染监测重点实验室开放基金项目,秸秆还田下土壤重金属赋存形态转化规律研究(SKLMHM202209),2022/07-2023/07


1. Zeng P#, Wei B#, Zhou H*, Gu J, Liao B. Co-application of water management and foliar spraying silicon to reduce cadmium and arsenic uptake in rice: A two-year field experiment[J]. Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 818: 151801.

2. Jiang Yi, Yi Xuan-Tao, Liu Meng-Yu, Liu Bei-bei, Zhou Hang, Zeng Peng, Liao Bo-Han, Gu Jiao-Feng*. Dynamic responses of soil enzymes at key growth stages in rice after the in situ remediation of paddy soil contaminated with cadmium and arsenic[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 830: 154633.

3. Jiang Yi, Zhou Hang, Gu Jiao-Feng*, Zeng Peng, Liao Bo-Han, Xie Yun-He, Ji Xiong-Hui. Combined amendment improves soil health and Brown rice quality in paddy soils moderately and highly Co-contaminated with Cd and As[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2022, 295: 118590.

4. Tan W T, Zhou H*, Tang S F, Zeng P, Gu J F, Liao B H. Enhancing Cd(II) adsorption on rice straw biochar by modification of iron and manganese oxides[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2022, 300: 118899.

5. Gu J, Huo Y, Zeng P, Liao B, Zhou H*. Increasing phosphorus inhibits the retention and prevention of cadmium by iron plaque and promotes cadmium accumulation in rice plants. Chemosphere, 2022, 307: 135642.

6. Zeng Peng, Guo Zhaohui*, Xiao Xiyuan, Peng Chi, Liao Bohan, Zhou Hang, Gu Jiaofeng. Facilitation of Morus alba L. intercropped with Sedum alfredii H. and Arundo donax L. on soil contaminated with potentially toxic metals[J]. Chemosphere, 2022, 290: 133107.

7. Yang W#, Wang S#, Zhou H*, Zeng M, Zhang J, Huang F, Shan S, Guo Z, Yi H, Sun Z, Gu J, Liao B. Combined amendment reduces soil Cd availability and rice Cd accumulation in three consecutive rice planting seasons[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2022, 111: 141–152.

8. Peng Zeng, Hang Zhou*, Penghui Deng, Jiaofeng Gu, Bohan Liao. Effects of topdressing silicon fertilizer at key stages on uptake and accumulation of arsenic in rice[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022.

9. Tang S F, Zhou H*, Tan W T, Huang J G, Zeng P, Gu J F, Liao B H. Adsorption Characteristics and Mechanisms of Fe-Mn Oxide Modified Biochar for Pb(II) in Wastewater. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19, 8420.

10. Zeng Peng, Guo Zhaohui*, Xiao Xiyuan, Zhou Hang, Gu Jiaofeng, Liao Bohan. Tolerance capacities of Broussonetia papyrifera to heavy metal(loid)s and its phytoremediation potential of the contaminated soil[J]. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2022, 24(6): 580-589.

11. 谭文韬,霍洋,周航*,仇银燕,曾鹏,辜娇峰,廖柏寒. 水稻磷盈亏对镉吸收转运的影响[J]. 环境科学,202243(6)3308-3314.

12. 唐棋,伍港繁,辜娇峰*,周航,曾鹏,廖柏寒. 柠檬酸及刈割强化象草修复镉污染土壤的效应[J]. 环境科学,202243(9)4810-4819.

13. 伍港繁,周航*,唐棋,辜娇峰*,曾鹏,廖柏寒. 肥料调控强化象草对重度Cd污染农田修复效果[J]. 环境科学,202243(12)5761-5768.


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